Solo exhibition – Olli Bery
“ˈThe Wrath of Dispossession – Documentation of a life under siege, 20212 – 2022”
12.09. – 12.10.2024
Invitation exhibition “ˈwʌt ðə ˈfʌk\ism” – Phygital, Part one. New collections Karo #04 & “Grußkarte”.
New artworks by Alexander Bühler and Diego Brambilla on display at the gallery
New and upcoming artworks with Diego Brambilla, Alexander Bühler, wonow + new Karo museum with Abgraphics studio
Moreblackprint edition’s Eva Iten series “The landscape we lose” and “Das unKraut” series by Klaus-Martin Gareis
MoreConsisting of unique darkroom prints made by the artist – blackprint artist editions – Digital works(*) – linking physical and digital art.
MoreVernissage – New collection Karo #03 / Johannes Meiner (1867-1941) Zürich, curated by Ylva Meyer, photographs from the Baugeschichtliches Archiv der Stadt Zürich.
MoreNew blackprint edition featuring Eva Iten, Olli Bery and Alexander Bühler. New print edition bound with a NFT Edition on the Tezos low carbon blockchain.
MoreThe exhibition takes visitors on a journey into the first half of the 20th century working worlds of Zurich.
MoreOn January 13 1908 Henry Farman became the first aviator to succeed in covering 1,000 m with his Farman HF-I biplane.
MoreVier Hände für ein Foto.
Dieses Zürcher Duo macht aus alten und neuen Schwarzweissaufnahmen sinnliche Kunstwerke.
Sometimes some works require a much longer reflection on design than others in order to always be able to offer you absolutely unique pieces. “Rotms_zur_3” by Alexander Sporre, produced by blackprint edition, is an example of this.
MoreThe first part of the new edition is available! The Karo has been extended and we are proud to present our new two artists Klaus-Martin Gareis and wonow!
Moreblackprint edition will be present with a/b Books at MoMA PS1 during the New York Art Book Fair, to present our karo editions, karo limited and our latest productions with Klaus-Martin Gareis and Alexander Sporre.
MoreThe first blackprint artist edition, along with our updated studio address in Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich.
MoreWe are going to be at the Photo19 with and Ars Imago. Bringing our high quality prints, Editions and a lot of material.
MoreJust in time, before 2018 ends, the 218 handmade origamis have been put in our showcase at the Börsenstrasse.
MoreJuhuui, wir sind in der Bilanz Dezemberausgabe 2018 ! Wir sagen Merci vielmals !!!
MoreVergangenen Winter sind wir mit der historischen Foto Edition «Die Welt vor 100 Jahren» gestartet. Wir schliessen daran an in der Moderne und lancieren nun unsere erste Edition Artist (EA), die wir in unserem Studio in limitierten Kleinstauflagen von jeweils 3–7 Stück produzieren.
MoreEndlich ist es soweit und unser Onlineshop* mit den ersten Editionen «Die Welt vor 100 Jahren» ist ON, auf handgeschöpftem Papier von Cartalafranca und der Basler Papiermühle.
MoreA private collection of antique photographs on glass,
which opened the desire to show these 150 year old photographs in a new but coherent manner and therefor in
limited series, has materialized in the self-published project blackprint edition.